
Taskmanagement, your way!

Ntask supports sorting and filtering of task-comments from your sourcecode in such a way that only regex elitists would be able to do in a snap. The end-goal is for Ntask to be able to track all closed tasks aswell and give you statistics of time-used and such, ack or grep can´t help you there.


λ npm install ntask -g

Usage: t [options] [command]


init [path]

update [path]

find <query>

gui [path] [port]


-h, --help         output usage information
-v, --version      output the version number
-l, --limit <n>    Limit the results output
-r, --reverse      Reverse the sort-order
-c, --count        Supress normal output. Output number of tasks instead

-b, --body         Output the body of each task
-i, --id           Ouput the id of each task

-N, --no-line      Supress output of line-numbers.
-H, --no-filename  Supress output of filenames.
-C, --no-color     Prevent colored output
-G, --no-group     Prevent grouping by filename

-q, --quiet        Will run without output

Companion apps


Ntask could really use a few more developers that knows a thing or two about search, statistics and issue-trackers in general. Please feel free to contact me or nag me with pull-requests.
