
The power of ntaskĀ“s find-command is what really makes ntask shine. Find any given task in a matter of seconds and even where to start coding it.


The "@"-symbol is for assignee. Prefix your name with "@" and you'll get a list of tasks sorted by date-added, that you are suppose to do.

t find "@$(whoami)"

Tasks that are not assigned to anyone specific will land under the assignee @none. This means you can easily manage a taskpool by just querying:

t find "@none"

You can also use the alias @unassigned


Labels come in two forms. The keyword that the task was prefixed with (TODO | OPTIMIZE | BUG | FIXME) and words starting with a hash-symbol. The latter can also have brackets that store a numeric value. This numeric value can be filtered and sorted upon.

t find "#pri[>3]*"

In the example above I have suffixed the label with an asterix, that selects the label for sorting. This is usefull in conjunction with the --reverse flag for ascending sorts. You can also see that there is filtering being done here using brackets, so "pri"-labels with a numeric value of less than three will not be displayed.

t find "#pri[3]"

This would effectively be the same as querying #pri[==3]